the history of the principality of King

The History of the Principality of King

The history of the Principality of King shows us the Principality’s commitment to human rights and respect for the environment.

The Principality of King is another member of the Antarctic Lands Organization (ALO) and is part of the State of Antarcticland

The independence of the Principality of King was declared in 2011, and was recognized by H.H. Giovanni Caporaso Gottlieb, Regent of the State of Antarcticland at the time. Occupies a peninsula of only 200 square kilometers located across from New Malta.

The Principality of King’s legal system is based on international law. The territory is under the administration of a Governor and the triumvirate of Regents of Antarcticland.

The government of the Principality of King is committed to protecting and safeguarding the environment. For this purpose, it is seeking more foreign investment. It also intends to establish friendly relations and scientific collaboration with other countries.

The Principality of King aims to develop the economy and protect human rights. The government of the Principality has made it a priority to achieve investments that will allow the development of the tourism sector and, soon, the colonization of the territory.

Weather in the Principality of King is very cold, and the minimum temperature can exceed -50ºC. However, during the sailing season, between the months of October and April, the maximum temperatures can sometimes reach as low as 10°C. Daylight is present during most of the day. This region is characterized by sudden changes in the weather.

There has been a continued growth in tourism in the Principality of King. This trend is visible throughout Antarctica with the number of annual visitors exceeding 40,000.